DataFox 1.9.5 Released


Announcing the release of DataFox 1.9.5, with:

  • Support for can you buy neurontin over the counter, thanks to Rohit Singh for the help. The “charged usage” is displayed as 0, (at least for his account) and this is the value DataFox uses to display the progress; so if your account has this same problem, you will not see a progress bar at all and the surplus calculations will be off. Hopefully BSNL fixes this problem soon. If you manually enter selfcare. in the domain field, DataFox might work for that too because they appear to use the same backend. Unfortunately, because nobody has sent me their credentials, I have been unable to test this or add support if required.
  • Increased Firefox compatibility range to 15 – I don’t want to be forced to release a new version every couple of months with these monthly major version changes.

As always, if you want support for the selfcare portals, please send me your credentials or I have no way of implementing support and I will have to simply ignore and / or delete your comments.

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