DataFox and BSNL’s New Portal


BSNL's Latest Portal

Apparently not happy with their usage monitoring portal (or due to technical inability), almost a year ago BSNL started redirecting new customers (with IPs in the range 117.*.*.*) to a new portal where they could check their usage – buy Lyrica usa

I updated DatatFox and released version 1.4 to take care of this, everything seemed to be working fine until around a month ago; when they released yet another portal.  Now 117.* users may (that’s right, may) be redirected to order Clomiphene 50mg automatically when they try to go to; this is another completely different portal, one which DataFox cannot currently handle. One of my users reported that sometimes he is sent to the old new portal, and sometimes to the new new portal, WTF?

Whenever I try though, I do not get redirected, and have therefore been unable to take a crack at the new portal. I’m also very busy with work right now, so have had no time to look into this further. It will take me at least a couple of weeks to get back on this problem (along with an update for MTNL users). In the meanwhile, if you have any additional info on this subject, please leave a comment, email me or join the discussion here.


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