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State of Maharashtra Hates my Name


Around 8 years ago, I got my first license, for motorcycles. Everything looked kosher until I noticed my name incorrectly spelt as Brain. I decided to live with it and have used it as proof of age and proof of residence several times, nobody seems to notice the mistake.

So when I started driving lessons, I made sure my name was correctly spelt on the learners license I was issued at the beginning. On the day I completed my driving test, the driving school filled out additional forms and I checked the spelling, again. I asked if I needed a new photo and they said it wasn’t necessary, all details would be taken from the learners license, including some biometric details and my mug shot. So I didn’t bother highlighting the problem in my older motorcycle license. My mistake. All details were copied, except the name. Hooray! So, I’m stuck with this for another twelve years… Brain Victor Fernandes. Cool beans when you’re eighteen, irritating when you’re twenty six.

I can get this fixed, of course, but I’d like to know how much longer this will continue to be accepted everywhere. Hey, remember to check back in twelve years for the results!

Firefox T-Shirt


A few months ago, I updated DataFox to work with Firefox 3. It was more than just updating the compatible version numbers, I had some trouble with password management, tooltips and some other stuff I cannot recall right now. I managed to do this in time to claim an AMO T-Shirt which arrived a month ago. I like the way it says Add-ons Development Team on the back 🙂

So here are a couple of photos of me being awesome. My face is not included because when I sent an un-cropped version of the first photo to my friend, his monitor exploded! Guess it is just too awesome for most hardware, sorry. True story.

MyEclipse 6.5 GA Released


MyEclipse 6.5 and MyEclipse 6.5 Blue Edition were released late last week. Our last MyEclipse release (6.0.1) was back in October 07, followed by MyEclipse Reports and an updated version of Matisse for MyEclipse released through Community Essentials in late December.

MyEclipse 6.5 finally includes Maven 2 support, users of this long old thread rejoice! 6.5 also includes a much needed Hibernate Tools & Spring IDE upgrade, JAX-WS 2.0 support, Portlet support and improved JSF/Faclets visual designers. Support for Hibernate 3.2 is finally available along with Hibernate Annotations support even in hybrid Spring-Hibernate projects. On the Spring front, we now support Spring 2.5, along with Spring Web Flow 1.0 and Spring Java Config 1.0.0.m3.

Our last MyEclipse Blue Edition release (6.1) was in early Feb this year. The 6.5 Blue Edition release includes support for WebSphere Portal Server, multi profile support for WebSphere 6.x and RAD to MyEclipse project migration wizard.

For more details, check the New & Noteworthy docs for  MyEclipse 6.5 and MyEclipse 6.5 Blue Edition.

Without me, it’s just Aweso…


So, probably 3 whole years after I should have, I finally have started my own blog. I was holding off until I could write my own blog/wiki hybrid article site, but realized I will never have the time to work on either the framework or the articles, so here it is – The Goan blog.

I hope to write about my ongoing experience as a MyEclipse developer, my own little hobby projects, technology and a few occasional rants. Probably write some more about life in India, driving and other stuff (stopping here or this post will never get out).

Thanks to my friends, Riyad and Sushubh for encouraging me to start blogging; if you don’t like this blog, blame them, otherwise, enjoy!