DataFox & Devabulator Development Update

1735 DataFox is currently being updated to work for new MTNL Bombay users, those who have a ‘@’ in their username. A prototype is already working, but making sure it works well under all circumstances is the big time sink. Expect a release in the next week or two. In other DataFox news, a month ago, I released DataFox 1.5, which is a better Firefox citizen (I cleaned up a ton of global variables) and works for a portal update. This version is also more efficient for users of this portal, as DataFox no longer needs to fetch and parse all your records before presenting usage statistics; it takes all it needs from the summary at the top of the sheet, saving both time and bandwidth.

Etobicoke Devabulator has been due an update for ages and I have been meaning to get to it for some time now, though I have been recently occupied with DataFox and FireBible development. Of course, the biggest time sink of all is MyEclipse :) DeviantART unknowingly forced the issue by drastically changing the feed Devabulator is built around, breaking Devabultor completely. It will attempt to get a list of deviations, but then hang, failing to display even a thumbnail. I spoke to them and they said they weren’t aware of anyone using the feed, so…

Again, I already have this mostly fixed, but need to make some changes to accommodate fundamental differences in the information received. Also taking the opportunity to run down some hairy bugs, if I manage to reproduce them.


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